
Our goals

For you and for you and to achieve your goals and keep pace with the vision of the Kingdom 2030 we strive to achieve integration in our services and solutions, so we are always working to add more creative and professional techniques to the products and services we provide to you, and we put our efforts to be of high quality and competitive prices, to become the appropriate way to reach success By adjusting the work mechanism and easy follow-up from anywhere and at any time, whether for the governmental, commercial, educational or residential sectors to reach the goal of safety and security.

Surveillance Cameras


It works with high accuracy inside and outside the building and can be accessed easily at any time and from anywhere

Recording devices


Magnetic pieces are installed on the gates for the entry of those with authority


Honoring our customers



al-mANahel mobile

al-mANahel Time Online



al-mANahel mobile

al-mANahel Time Online



al-mANahel mobile

al-mANahel Time Online

etime offline

al-mANahel mobile

al-mANahel Time Online

   Our services


   Our services


   Our services



Excellence clients in success

